Our raters can help you meet your efficiency goals
Did you know that all codes starting with the 2009 IECC requires dwelling units/homes to be performance tested? We have the tools and skills necessary to help keep you in compliance, including blower door and HVAC duct leakage testing in accordance with the 2009 IECC (and above) performance testing requirements.
As a HERS Provider with a team of certified HERS Raters Southern Energy Management performs blower door testing and duct leakage with the savvy and efficiency you are looking for. These services are included with our “jog” and “run” programs but can also be offered a la carte for developers solely interested in code compliance (what we like to call “walking”).
We’re happy to help find the program that’s right for you!
North Carolina’s solar power and building performance expert. Founded in 2001, we’ve worked for 20+ years to improve the way people make and use energy.
© 2023 Southern Energy Management, Inc.