Sustainability, Impact, & Transparency Report

2021 Benefit Report

Dive into the measures we are taking as a Certified B Corp to improve the way our company impacts our team, community, environment, and customers.

Stack of Southern Energy Management's 2021 Benefit report

Past Reports

Spread the Word! ▸

Ready to take action to be more sustainable?

Reach out to learn more about how our solar power and building science services can reduce your footprint and improve your positive impact.

Need help sharing your sustainability story?

Our sustainability reporting team is happy to help organize your data and tell your story! Let Jamie Hager know you’re ready to get started.

Want to strengthen and future-proof your business?

We’re here to help you incorporate sustainability into your business with tools like B Corp and Pinnacle. Share your goals with Mel Hubner.

Explore More Resources

Want to learn more about B Corps and what it’s like to lead the change with a triple bottom line? Check out our other resources!

Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to our project teams to share your goals and learn more!