Meet the Team

Office pets

This team brings us so much joy and we don’t want it keep all for ourselves. We hope their stories bring a smile to your face!

two golden retriever dogs sitting on a solar panel

Our loyal group of office pets is perhaps the most important team at Southern Energy. Our menagerie of pets—dogs, hermit crabs, fish, and one ball python plus his adopted mouse friend—are always there to provide unwavering love and support, finish off the last bit of our lunch, and to remind us to not take ourselves too seriously.

A golden lab named shea sitting on a solar panel


Dream job: Professional food tester – any food, any flavor, any time… GIVE IT TO ME

Personality quirk: She is the best snuggler of any dog in the world and gets along with EVERYONE

Favorite thing about coming to work: ALL THE TOYS, she normally has at least 2 in her mouth at one time!

A golden retriever mix named medley sitting on a solar panel


Dream job: Professional TV watcher (preferably TV shows that involve animals)

Funny story: Once I caught her eating pizza. From the trash can. In my bed.

Favorite thing about coming to work: Staring at the pet rat, Pinky.


Dream job: Toothpaste & Condiment Usage Optimizer. Clyde loves the 2 big S’s: Sustainability and Squeezing. As a sustainable-minded snake, Clyde hates to see that last 10% of toothpaste, ketchup, or Grey Poupon go to waste. Millions of years of evolution have given Clyde a unique ability to squeeze that final serving out of a bottle or tube that would otherwise be wasted, helping his human companions save money and reduce waste.

Personality quirk: Clyde is a somewhat sleepy snek. Definitely, no one would call him energetic. One way his lethargy displays itself is through frequent yawning. Surprisingly, when a 5 ft Ball Python fully opens its jaws to suck in that extra tired breath through a yawn, it scares some people. Truly, cuteness is in the eye of the beholder. 

His favorite thing about coming to work: Playing hide-and-seek around the office. Oddly, Clyde playing hide and seek is 95% of our team’s least favorite part about work.

Two dogs named indy and tug cuddling together

Indy & Tug

Dream job: Indy dreams of being a professional bunny wrangler and bird catcher. She sits all day and watches “doggy tv” as the animals in the yard frolic. Tug would be a great bartender. He hasn’t met a creature that’s not a friend (whether they like it or not), and he loves to stick around for a good conversation.

Personality quirk: Indy is a Plott Hound, and as member of the official dog breed of North Carolina, she loves to nothing more than “to be rather than to seem.”  Although she will break that rule and catch small critters (mainly chipmunks) in the back yard for us to find…so she seems fancy, be she can be a little devilish! Tug’s full name is King Tug the Caboose.  He’s very vocal and will follow you wherever you go…and if you shut a door, he’ll just wait outside until you’re done.  He doesn’t care.  He just wants to be friends! 

Favorite thing about coming to work: Indy and Tug spend the day guarding the back deck in the morning and napping from all that hard work in the afternoon.  They probably like their morning and afternoon walks the best. The highlight of their day has to be hearing the dog park at the end of the block and all the neighborhood gossip taking place! 

a long haired cat named sasha smiling for the camera


Dream job: Sasha is a human behavioral psychologist. Whether she is perched atop her kitty condo (cat tree) or happily rolling on the floor, she is ALWAYS studying and watching. She is acquiring techniques as she endeavors to become more human herself.

Personality quirk: Sasha is a kitty linguistics master! She will have full conversations, she even talks on the phone! She has many different sounding meows for different things and for different people.

Favorite thing about coming to work: Sasha’s favorite thing about coming to work is that we start early in the morning, so she gets her breakfast early in the morning!

Two dogs named Maybelle and Raylan sitting on a rug looking at the camera

Maybelle & Raylan

Dream job: Maybelle is a full time office manager and part-time Roomba. She keeps the day on schedule and the floors clear of debris. Raylan is a dedicated security specialist, but he’s quick with a dad joke to brighten your day. Just don’t ask him to dance, he has two left feet.

Personality quirk: Maybelle is a beagle/shar-pei mix and just turned 15 in July, Ray is a 7 year old Australian Cattle Dog mix, and both were sprung from local animal shelters. They are an inseparable team, and Maybelle is in charge of all of us. She’s the best boss, though – her tail is always wagging!

Favorite thing about coming to work: Keeping an eye on Mom, making sure snack breaks are on time. 

A poodle named toulie outside in a grassy yard

Toulouse (Toulie)

Dream job: Toulie’s dream job is to be a circus dog. He loves to balance on tennis balls, basket balls, beach balls with his front two paws. He is also an avid costumer, and loves dressing up whenever he can. His current favorite costume is a kimono. 

Personality quirk: Toulie is an extreme cuddler; his love knows no bounds (or boundaries). If you ever in the need of a snuggle, or even if you’re not, Toulie will be there!

Your Pal Here

Is your fur ball looking for a career switch and ready to join a team dedicated to leading the change each day? Come join us!

Always In Our Hearts

Remembering all the furry friends who have left pawprints on our hearts 🧡


Angel, SEM Office Dog

